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BUSAD 209 Final Paper_SP2023

This is a group assignment. This is a research assignment, so any source of information is fine. Please see the prompt below.

Research Project (20% of final grade)(typewritten and submitted through Turnitin)

As members of a newly created global marketing and sales team for a Central Valley company, you have been tasked to develop an export strategy for a product made in the Central Valley of California.

According to Wikipedia, the Central Valley is “California's single most productive agricultural region and one of the most productive in the world, providing more than half of the fruits, vegetables and nuts grown in the United States.[3] More than 7 million acres (28,000 km2) of the valley are irrigated via an extensive system of reservoirs and canals.[4] The valley also has many major cities, including the state capital Sacramento; as well as Redding, Stockton, Modesto, Fresno and Bakersfield.”

Your team's export plan will show how you will sell your selected product abroad, and how you will develop and grow sales in your selected country or countries. Your report should be 10-15 pages in length (double-spaced, 12 point font with one-inch margins on each side), and it should answer the following questions:

  1. Which products are selected for export development, and what modifications, if any, must be made to adapt them for overseas markets?
  2. Is an export license needed?  
  3. Which countries are targeted for sales development? 
  4. In each country, what are the basic customer profiles, and what marketing and distribution channels should be used to reach customers? 
  5. What special challenges pertain to each market (for example, competition, cultural differences, and import and export controls), and what is the strategy to address them?  
  6. How will your product’s export sales price be determined?
  7. What specific operational steps must be taken and when? 
  8. What will be the time frame for implementing each element of the plan?
  9. What personnel and company resources will be dedicated to exporting? 
  10. What will be the cost in time and money for each element? 
  11. How will results be evaluated and used to modify the plan?