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Assignment Notes

Let's all keep notes and assignments here so that we can build our own repository.

Psych 122 - Gupta (Previously 102)

Here is the pertinent part of the assignment. I never help them with their study but only with the literature review:

Group Project Goals:

A major research goal for this class is for you to complete a group project where you

and your group members will design your very own study/experiment related to a

specific theory, phenomenon, or special topic of your interest in the field of

Psychology. You will work closely together during Zoom class meetings using the

principles of the Scientific Method (applying the QLMRI method described above)

and APA formatting style for writing tasks, such that you will be able to complete a

team research project successfully. Since your project is a group-based activity, each

person will be actively involved in each step of this project, and thus you will receive

an “individual grade” and “group grade” for your efforts individually and collectively

as a group. Please note that you and your group members will need to stay in contact

throughout the week to coordinate various project goals, and occasional group

meetings may be required as well. Communication will be the key to completing

group-based assignments successfully.

Prior to working on your project, you will write a research proposal with your group

members in the first half of the semester and collect and/or analyze data in accordance

with your proposal during the second half of the semester. The research proposal is an

important process in providing a clear statement of the problem, a review of literature,

how the literature relates to your study goals, a proposed methods section (how your

study will be designed and executed), and the data analysis/techniques you intend to

conduct and use for your project. A research proposal is an important document that will

help you and your group members map out your research plans.

Team APA Research Report:

You will complete a group APA Style research report that will be the result of your semester’s

lab work/group research, and a demonstration of your ability to apply your knowledge so that

you have a completed research study to report and reflect on. The final research report will be an

expanded version of your research proposal, which will consist of synthesizing the literature and

summarizing it into your own words, where you will go into more depth with your sources.

Additionally, a full methods section will be necessary along with describing appropriate

statistical procedures used, and an original analysis and interpretation of the results will be

required. After working individually and as a group on various writing labs, you will combine

your efforts and create a group research report that demonstrates your collective knowledge on your research topic.

Networking Assignments:

Part of this longer project includes Networking Assignments where they check in with the teacher and me to gauge their progress. Here is an example of instructions for one of these networking assignments:

I informed them that they can network with you via email regarding any brief questions they may have about their keywords and/or reference list, or they can meet with you.

There are 7 groups, and ideally only one team member will send you an inquiry about their research to either set up an appointment or to ask you questions via email.


PSYCH 121 Carlstrom Fall 2022

This assignment is to find a study in EBSCO and analysze some of the statistical results. It's a discussion post, not an essay.

Instructor has provided very clear instructions. Students can use any topic that would have statistical results.


PSYCH 141 Fall 2022 Emily Bill

Psych 110 - Carlstrom (SP 2022)

Riggs - Psych 141

This is a pretty straightforward and well-explained assignment. It's important to note that Riggs allows substantive sources for the proposal, but requires 3 scholarly studies/experiments for the literature review portion of the assignment.