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Assignment Notes

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ENGL 45/ENGL 100 Citations (Fall 2018)

Once again students are being given handouts in class and asked to prepare Works Cited pages in MLA. I did a BI for Carrie Miller’s ENGL 45 class on this, but today and ENGL 100 student came in with the same sources.

These are our choices: look up the original sources and teach how to cite them, cite as a class handout, or cite as a source for which we have no more information than what’s on the handout.

Attached are citations for the three documents that show the first two options. (The third option would look like option #2 without the second container of the class.) The Cox piece is a chapter from a print book but the students are also provided the cover page and verso of the book, so that one is quite straightforward. The Duckworth TED Talk is a transcript; if you look it up on YouTube, both the title and date are different (aaugh). The Brainology article is easy to find online, but the online version provides much more information so the citation looks very different.

I have no idea what the teachers want. Carrie was happy with the class handout option for her students. For the ENGL 100 student, I explained his choices and let him choose.


Engl 45--Gilbert (Fall 2018)

Debbie Gilbert’s Engl 45 students are writing about educational inequality, especially as it relates to two high schools in Orange County in 2010ish (Troy High in Fullerton and Santa Ana High). I used the Engl 45 LibGuide ( for the BIs this morning and showed them how to find credible information from the CA Dept. of Education, PPIC, and the OC Register.

They may come in asking for pretty specific information, and part of helping them is letting them know what info CAN’T be found (hiring practices at these two schools) and directing them to more general studies in the databases on teacher effectiveness, for example. We didn’t go over databases in class as Debbie thought they’d mostly be using Google, but one of the students came in already and we found stuff in ERIC she could use.

They have to use 2 out of 3 class readings for most of the support for their arguments. This extra research is optional.


NOTE for FALL: new LibGuide: