This guide provides an overview of open educational resources (OER), Zero textbook cost courses, and gives you tools to help you find, create, and share these resources.
MERLOT Collection: MathematicsWide variety of mathematics materials filtered for college general ed. and college lower division courses. Be sure to note the numerous Material Type filters on the left of the results screen.
OER Commons: MathematicsNumerous materials filtered to for community college/lower division courses.
LibreTexts: Mathematics BookshelvesThese texts are curated by the LibreTexts Development team and can be used either directly or as content for building customized remixes.
WebWorKWeBWorK is an open-source online homework system for STEM courses. WeBWorK is supported by the MAA and the NSF and comes with a Open Problem Library (OPL) of over 35,000 homework problems.