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ZOOL101 - Introduction to Zoology - Martin

This guide is for students in David Martin's Zoology 101 class.

Zoology: Welcome

Hi, I'm Stella Beratlis, one of the MJC librarians. I can help you via Zoom, chat, email, or phone. You can leave a message for me at 575-6245 or email me at You can also contact any librarian for help via phone, email, chat, or text: check options at Ask A Librarian
This is a general guide for students interested in locating information related to animals and animal behavior using library resources available at the MJC Library & Learning Center. It is also intended as an aid for students enrolled in ZOO101 (Zoology) doing their project on how climate change is impacting a particular animal species. 

Explore Topics/Starting Points

Don't know what to write about? Get some ideas for your research topic by browsing the following websites and database: 

Already have a topic? Do some academic background reading first and build from there. Be sure to note possible keywords (for example, the study of animal behavior is known as ethology)