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Help for students for Math105 project

Your Assignment

The project for this class will be based on a math teaching-related topic of your choice from what we are studying this semester. You will need to choose from ONE of the following:

  1. A written detailed lesson plan for face-to-face teaching in which you describe how to use a particular set of physical manipulatives during the lesson so that at least two types of learning styles are engaged, one must be kinesthetic learning style (you must cite a source from an article such as Teaching Children Mathematics or Mathematics Teacher). Length: 3-5 pages
  2. A video in which you show your colleagues how to use virtual manipulatives or a virtual math game from Calculation Nation that encourages learning in the lesson or game so that at least two types of learning styles are engaged, one must be kinesthetic learning style (you must cite an article from Teaching Children Mathematics or Mathematics Teacher). Length: 5-8 minutes
  3. A paper or  presentation (through Google Slides or PowerPoint with you talking through the presentation) on a topic or mathematician from the list on page 3. 

Length: paper 3-5 pages or presentation 5-8 minutes

Step One: Familiarize Yourself With Your Topic

Everyone: Do Preliminary Reading

Begin your project by doing some background reading on your issue. Preliminary reading helps you:

  • achieve a basic understanding of your topic; 
  • begin to identify interesting specific questions that will form the backbone of your project; and
  • start to acquire vital search terms you need in order to explore your topic more fully. 

Your instructor may have already given you some background information. 

Google Web Search

Step Two: Find, Read, and Reflect on Your Sources

Find articles on the topics that you identified in Step 1.

  • Do a comprehensive search utilizing all the sources below; leave no stone unturned
  • Print/save/email the sources you find as you go to avoid backtracking
  • Read your sources several times, highlighting relevant information and making notes as you go.
  • If you find sources that will help others in your team, SHARE THEM.
  • If you have trouble finding the appropriate type or number of sources: MEET WITH A RESEARCH LIBRARIAN

If you've chosen #1 or 2:

If you've chosen #3

Step Three: Write Your Paper

  • Make an appointment with Writing Center staff at least once. They will help you get started, proceed, and/or finish. This is a free service that you should always utilize to maximize your success.
  • Utilize the MJC Library & Learning Center's LEARN TO CITE page to aid with APA or MLA. A research librarian can provide face-to-face assistance with formatting and citing as well. 
  • If you're doing a presentation as part of this assignment, identify the main points to share. Find engaging audio/video files. 


Stella Beratlis, Reference Librarian

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Stella Beratlis
Use the Email Me button above to send me an email.


Drop-in Help With Stella at the East L & LC or on chat:

Mondays: 1-3 pm
Tuesdays: 9-11 am
Wednesdays: 11 am - 1 pm
Thursdays: 12-1 pm

Appointments with Stella

Click on Make an Appointment with Me, above.

I've set aside the following times for Zoom appointments, which are ~30 minutes long:

Tuesdays 2:30 - 5 pm
Wednesdays 9:30 - 10:30 am

If none of my posted availability works for you, please email me & we can work something out!

Need help now? We have Research Drop-In Hours Monday - Friday in Spring 2025: Go to the Ask a Librarian page to get immediate help.

Office phone:
Website Skype Contact: beratliss

Preliminary Reading

Peer Reviewed / Refereed Journals

What is a journal?

  • Scholarly journals exist to disseminate new & important information within an academic discipline or professional fiel.
  • Journal articles are written by experts who work within these disciplines and fields
  • Journal articles are aimed at an audience of other experts within that discipline or field
  • Journals often contain studies and experiments
Here are some examples:

Picture of an issue of JAMA  Picture of an issue of JSWP

How can I identify a journal?

Look for: 

  • Author credentials such as advanced degrees and professional/academic affiliations
  • Articles that are often substantially longer than articles in magazines and newspapers
  • Heavy use of discipline-specific vocabulary and concepts. 
  • Extensive bibliographies of cited sources.

Where does peer review fit into all of this?

Peer review is a process that some  scholarly journal publishers use to ensure the articles they publish represent the best scholarship currently available. Peer-reviewed journals are sometimes called "refereed" journals. When an article is submitted to a peer-reviewed/refereed journal, the editors send it out to other scholars in the same field to get their opinion on the quality of the scholarship and its relevance and importance to the field. This means that when an article is finally published in a peer-reviewed publication, there is a consensus among experts that the information communicated in that article is of the highest quality.

Not all scholarly publications are peer-reviewed, though it is very common for professors to request peer-reviewed articles to ensure you are exposed to the most credible information within your discipline.

Journals sound intense!

The specific nature of journal articles, combined with the use of specialized vocabulary, means they are not always easy to read for the non-expert. It it is recommended that students have some basic knowledge about their topic before delving into scholarly information. This basic knowledge might be gleaned, for instance, from some of our Background Information databases below. Be sure to scroll down the databases page to see these.

Cite MLA

Information Has Value