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This video shows you how to use the Gale eBooks database and the EBSCOhost database.
Use books to read broad overviews and detailed discussions of your topic. You can also use books to find primary sources, which are often published together in collections.
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This video shows you how to find and use eBooks from the MJC library.
Bracero program
Search terms: Bracero, Bracero program, guest workers
Sexual assault in the workplace
Search terms: sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual assault workplace, metoo movement
Child labor
Search terms: child labor, child labor laws, child welfare, child labor + country (such as: child labor India), child labor + product (such as: child labor tobacco)
Organ trafficking
Search terms: organ trafficking, organ transplants, human trafficking
International adoptions
Search terms: international adoption, intercountry adoption, orphanages
Exploitation in the trucking industry
Search terms: trucking, trucking industry, truck drivers
Uyhgur people
Search terms: Uyhgur, Uygur, Uighur
Rohingya people
Search terms: Rohingya, Myanmar, refugees
Economic Oppression in the Taxi Industry
Search terms in EBSCO databases: Taxicabs New York
Search terms: Redlining, Discrimination in mortgage loans
Syrian Refugees
Search terms for general articles about the conditions in Turkey for refugees: Syrian refugees in Turkey (limit search by year for most recent articles)
Police Brutality
Child Soldiering
Search terms: femicide, violence against women, crimes against women, intimate partner violence
Israeli Occupation of Palestine
Search terms: Palestine, Palestinian Authority, Arab-Israel Conflict, Palestinian Refugees, Palestinian oppression, Palestine occupation, Hamas, Palestine Liberation Organization, Intifada, West Bank, Gaza
Masculine / Patriarchal Cultures
Search terms: Patriarchy, patriarchal system, male dominance, masculinity, oppression of women. Try also combining terms like patriarchy Mexico, or patriarchy India, or patriarchy Islam, or patriarchy Christianity.
Search terms: redlining, housing segregation, residential segregation, housing inequality, housing inequity
Owned: A Tale of Two Americas (a film about home ownership and the creation of two divergent Americas)