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Housing Inequities

Use this guide to research housing inequities past and present

Use the Rigiht Search Terms

Having a research strategy (knowing what information you want to find) and using useful keywords to search will help you find the information you need.

Here are some useful keywords for finding information about housing discrimination:

  • housing discrimination
  • race discrimination
  • restrictive covenants
  • zoning and race discrimination
  • racial zoning
  • redlining
  • reverse redlining
  • white flight
  • mortgage discrimination
  • Federal Fair Housing Act
  • Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
  • Rumford Housing Act (a.k.a. CA Fair Housing law)
  • secondary mortgage market
  • mortgages

In addition, you can combine keywords or add a geographic location to the end of your keyword to further focus your search. For example, I could search for restrictive covenants and modesto.

Selected Articles @MJC

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Find More Articles

You can find many more article using the keywords above in the MJC Library Databases. Just click on the image to launch our Articles & Databases page.

Articles and databases page image. click image to launch page.

California & Local Resources for Historical Research

When you are researching local history, local historical societies are a great resource.

Local Housing Organizations

You can use information on these websites for research or contact them to help if you experience difficulties with housing.