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Evidence-Based Practice

Developed to facilitate research for nursing students attending classes at Modesto Junior College

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Stella Beratlis
Use the Email Me button above to send me an email.


Drop-in Help With Stella at the East L & LC or on chat:

Mondays: 1-3 pm
Tuesdays: 9-11 am
Wednesdays: 11 am - 1 pm
Thursdays: 12-1 pm

Appointments with Stella

Click on Make an Appointment with Me, above.

I've set aside the following times for Zoom appointments, which are ~30 minutes long:

Tuesdays 2:30 - 5 pm
Wednesdays 9:30 - 10:30 am

If none of my posted availability works for you, please email me & we can work something out!

Need help now? We have Research Drop-In Hours Monday - Friday in Spring 2025: Go to the Ask a Librarian page to get immediate help.

Office phone:
Website Skype Contact: beratliss

Definition: Evidence-based practice is the process by which health care providers incorporate the best research or evidence into clinical practice, and combine that with clinical expertise and within the context of patient values

Franz, J. F., & Mertz, L. (2020). Evidence-Based Practice. In J. L. Longe (Ed.), The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine (6th ed., Vol. 3, pp. 1920-1923). Gale.