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Ready, Set, Research: An Introduction to the Research Process

This guide introduces users to fundamental steps in the research process

Citing your Sources: How Citation Style Affects Your Work No matter what citation style is required by your professor, there are three areas that will be impacted by the style. Area 1: General Format (how the paper looks) 1. Margins 2. Line spacing 3. Font size and style 4. Page numbers and headers Area 2: Bibliography (list of all sources used) 1. Title of bibliography 2. Placement of bibliography 3. Arrangement of citations 4. Specific citation elements Area 3: In-text Citation (use of sources within paper) 1. Parentheticals 2. Footnotes 3. Endnotes 4. Author/date method 5. Author/page method For specific format rules, visit:

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For comprehensive information on the most prevalent formatting/citation styles used in MJC courses, please visit the links below: