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Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table: Ethical Considerations

A guide all about the Anatomage Table at the West Campus L & LC.


Please credit Anatomage, Inc. for any exported images from the Table or rendered using Anatomage software. Please contact Anatomage if you would like to use an image in mass production. 

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Ethical Considerations

ThIcons depicting camera, twitter bird symbol, thumbs up, with red circle and slash indicating that you NOT photograph or share images from the Anatomage Table on social media. e Anatomage Table's content is produced using real human cadavers. We expect all users to treat the content (gross anatomy models) with the same deference and respect you would use for human cadavers. With this in mind, we ask the following:

  • Do not take pictures of the Table or any associated images with personal devices including, but not limited to: cameras, cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc. 
  • Any images exported from the Table are to be used for educational purposes only. DO NOT POST THESE IMAGES TO SOCIAL MEDIA

We ask that users refrain from nicknaming the models. Please refer to the gross anatomy models by their provided designation (i.e. Caucasian Male).