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Anatomage Virtual Dissection Table: Basics

A guide all about the Anatomage Table at the West Campus L & LC.

anatomage table banner, white text on blue background

Tips for Using the Anatomage Table

Tips for Using the Anatomage Table

  • If the Virtual Anatomy Table is in sleep mode, tap on the screen and wait for it to power on. Swipe up on the screen for the "sign in" button. Open the app for the Table by clicking on the shortcut on the far left side.
  • MJC L & LC staff are here to assist you with the Virtual Anatomy Table. The Table is very intuitive, so feel free to tap around the display.
  • At the Circulation/Reserve counter, please ask to check out the Anatomage Table Kit with a laminated guide to using the table.
  • No food or drinks please in all of our study rooms.
  • For a wide variety of tutorials, case studies and webinars, visit Anatomage's YouTube Channel.
  • For a full selection of documentation from Anatomage, create an account at Anatomage Share.

Where Is the Anatomage Table?

Available for use at the West Campus L & LC (Study Room #2).  

Phone: 209-575-6676


Stella Beratlis, Reference Librarian

Profile Photo
Stella Beratlis
Use the Email Me button above to send me an email.


Drop-in Help With Stella at the East L & LC or on chat:

Mondays: 1-3 pm
Tuesdays: 9-11 am
Wednesdays: 11 am - 1 pm
Thursdays: 12-1 pm

Appointments with Stella

Click on Make an Appointment with Me, above.

I've set aside the following times for Zoom appointments, which are ~30 minutes long:

Tuesdays 2:30 - 5 pm
Wednesdays 9:30 - 10:30 am

If none of my posted availability works for you, please email me & we can work something out!

Need help now? We have Research Drop-In Hours Monday - Friday in Spring 2025: Go to the Ask a Librarian page to get immediate help.

Office phone:
Website Skype Contact: beratliss

Table Features

What Is It? 

Anatomage Table is the world's only fully-segmented real human 3D anatomy system. Users of the Anatomage Table can visualize anatomy exactly as they would on a fresh cadaver. Individual structures of the body are reconstructed in accurate 3D, resulting in an unprecedented virtual dissection experience.

Features of the Anatomage Table

  • 4 photorealistic cadavers
  • Physiology simulation and pathway visualization
  • 36 high-resolution regional anatomy modules
  • Case library containing 1000+ 3D-rendered CT, MRI, and X-Ray images
  • Many more!

The Anatomage Table is located in the West campus Library & Learning Center, on the 2nd floor of Yosemite Hall. 

Table Features

  • Digital Pregnancy
    • Learn about human embryonic development by interacting with a 31-week fetus inside the mother's body. Simulation of blood exchange between the mother and the fetus is made possible for users to gain insight into the uteroplacental circulation.
  • Living Bodies
    • Now equipped with renovated heart motion and blood flow tools, Anatomage Bodies enable users to visually examine how cardiac and other vital functions are carried out in an active, living human body.
  • High-Resolution of Regional Anatomy
    • Experience the highest level of anatomy resolution by interacting with Connie – our brand new digital body. In addition to displaying real human anatomy content, Connie takes photorealism of regional anatomy to the next level by allowing users to visualize complex structures such as fine blood vessels inside the brain.
  • Improved Rendering Visualization
    • Users can integrate various graphic effects to change the look, add new layers, and apply visual filters to the MRI/CT scans. These visual effects allow users to recognize the anatomical density and distribution throughout the scan.
  • Optometry Applications
    • Grasp the concept of ocular motor control by simulating ocular motions on digital bodies. Table 8 users can coordinate eye movements following specific directions, such as adduction, lateral or medial directions.

What Is the Anatomage Table

The Anatomage Table is an anatomy visualization system that allows you to view, manipulate, and dissect a 3D cadaver. The Anatomage Table features: 

  • Four photo realistic cadavers
  • Human anatomy/accurate gross anatomy
  • Physiology simulation and pathway visualization
  • Case Library with 1600+ 3D-rendered CT, MRI, and X-Ray Images 
  • Classroom, course, and lab integration
  • The ability to upload new MRI and CT scans or use the built-in case library 
  • Quiz modes for self-assessment, or for course assessment (quizzes may be password protected) 
  • Radiological imaging work station 
  • Animal case models 

image of anatomage table