Recommended history and biography
Recommended fiction and poetry
American poet and activist
Formerly enslaved person who became a conductor for the Underground Railroad, a spy, a union army nurse, and a Civil War scout
Activist, lawyer, actor, and singer
Formerly enslaved person who became an abolitionist
Jazz musician
Clergyman and civil rights activist
Best known for her act of civil disobedience in 1955 that sparked the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s
Civil rights activist and Supreme Court Justice
All of these resources are free for MJC students, faculty, & staff. If you're working from off campus, you'll need to sign in. Once you click on the name of a database, simply enter your student ID (without the W) and your six-digit birth date.
Why search here? This is one of our History Research Center databases, which covers more than 500 years of the African-American experience, African-American History offers a fresh way to explore the full spectrum of African-American history and culture, with tablet/mobile-friendly videos and slideshows, images, biographies of key people, event and topic entries, primary sources, maps and graphs, and timelines.
What's included: eBooks, primary sources, images, videos, and timelines
Why search here? Use this database to find primary sources and brief overview articles to explore themes in the African American experience from African origins to the present day.
What's included: Content is compiled from a variety of sources, including ABC-CLIO's award-winning books, recognized scholars and writers in various fields, educators, and professional development specialists.
Why search here? Use this database when you want topical, in-depth coverage of world history from antiquity to the present. Read about the background, outcomes, and contemporary points of view for the major topics in history from every region of the world. This is a great database for finding primary sources.
What's included: You'll find pro/con articles, timelines, and primary sources.
Why search here? This is a great database to use when you need to find information about a person.
What's included: This Gale database includes more than 500,000 individuals from throughout history and from around the world.
Why search here? Use this database to find information on U.S. and Canadian history and culture from prehistory to the present.
What's included: Academic journals, magazines, books, conference papers, and dissertations
Why search here? This is a great database to use when you want to explore different viewpoints on controversial or hot-button issues.
What's included: It includes pro/con articles, court cases, primary sources, videos, media, editorials, and news on more than 800 hot topics in business, politics, government, education, and popular culture. Use the search or browse topics by subject or A to Z.
Why search here? Search 29 databases at the same time that cover almost any topic you need to research at MJC. This is a good resource to use when you want to delve deeper into your subject.
What's included: EBSCO databases include articles previously published in academic journals, magazines, newspapers, books, and other media outlets.
To access eBooks if you're off campus, you'll need to log in using your student credentials.
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