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Local History & Information

Library and Internet resources for discovering local history and information in the Central Valley of California

Ask Iris

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Iris Carroll

Need help now? In addition to our Research Help Drop-In Hours Monday - Saturday, we have online help available. Simply go to the Ask a Librarian page to get immediate help.

My Research Help Schedule
In Person (East Campus L & LC) and Online

Mondays: 11 am-1 pm
Tuesdays: 11 am-1 pm, 2-4 pm
Wednesdays: 9 - 11 am, 12- 2 pm
Thursdays: 9 am-12 pm, 2 - 4 pm

Research Appointments
Times vary. To see when I'm available and to schedule an appointment with me, simply click on the orange "Make an Appointment with Me" button above, then pick your location (In-Person or Online) and date/time. I have different availability in the two locations. If you do not see a day/time that works, please email me and we can arrange another time.

If I am your class librarian, please contact me through the Canvas inbox for a response within 24 hours. If I am not your class librarian, email me at
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Researching Local History

Are you ready to take the plunge into researching local history? You've come to the right place.

Local history research is different from researching other topics because much of the information you'll need isn't widely published in the traditional sources you're accustomed to using.

For your research, you'll want to use:

  • Local History Sources in the Library
  • Genealogical & Historical Societies
  • Newspapers
  • Online Archives

Be Prepared to Visit Libraries & Historical Societies:

To gain access to many of these useful resources, you will need to actually go to local libraries and historical societies, because most of this old, local information is not available online.

How to Navigate this Guide:

Follow the navigation menu on the left (or on top depending on the size of your device) to explore all of these different collections to help you discover the history of our local area.