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HIST 106 - World Civilization to the 16th Century

Useful Keywords

Use the words below to search for useful information in books including eBooks and articles at the MJC Library.

Also be sure to refer to your assignment for useful search terms.

  • black death
  • black death sources (useful for finding primary sources on the topic)
  • civilization medieval
  • civilization history
  • world history (You can put a time period after a subject to focus it further, i.e., world history 15th century)
  • japan history (You can use whatever country or culture name followed by the word history)

Using & Finding Books

Why Use Books:

Use books to read broad overviews and detailed discussions of your topic. You can also use books to find primary sources, which are often published together in collections.

Where Do I Find Books?

You'll use the library catalog to search for books, ebooks, articles, and more.

What if MJC Doesn't Have What I Need?

If you need materials (books, articles, recordings, videos, etc.) that you cannot find in the library catalog, use our interlibrary loan service.

Finding eBooks

If you need a book when the library is closed, no worries. The MJC Library owns thousands of eBooks that you can use at any time of the day or night.

Here is a little video showing you how to find eBooks @MJC:

Where to Find eBooks

You'll find eBooks in OneSearch (Library Catalog) and in some of our library databases

Library Databases for Finding eBooks

To connect to library databases from off campus you'll need to login just like you do for email or Canvas

Find Primary Sources

Add these words to the end of your search for resources on any topic to focus your search specifically on primary sources:

  • sources
  • correspondence
  • personal narratives
  • photographs
  • diaries


For example: black death sources

Using Databases to Find Articles

Why Use Databases:

The MJC Library subscribes to many databases filled with authoritative articles, book chapters, research reports, statistics, videos, and more from thousands of respected publications. You can search these databases either by topic or for a specific article.

Using the Library's article databases ensures that you're using sources your instructors expect you to use, and you won't have to cull through millions of unrelated Web pages that will waste your time and energy.

All of these resources are free for you because you are a student at MJC. If you're working from anywhere off campus, you'll need to sign in just like you do for your MJC email or Canvas classes.

Find Articles:

Click the button below to go to our databases page. Scroll down the page to see the History Databases.

Go to Articles & Databases (History Databases)

Need Books from Other Libraries?

What if MJC Doesn't Have What I Need?

If you need materials (books, articles, recordings, videos, etc.) that you cannot find in the MJC Library catalog, use the request forms below to request what you need using our interlibrary loan service.