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EASC161 - Earth Sciences - Hughes

Research tips & resources for Noah Hughes' classes

Welcome & Technical Notes

Hi, I'm Stella Beratlis, one of the MJC Librarians.  I'd love to work with you at any stage of your research, and I can help you in person at the reference desk, by phone, or by email. 

How This Guide Works:

  • This guide is designed specifically to complement Noah Hughes' Earth Science 161 and 162 classes
  • You can work through the entire research guide by moving through the subject tabs on the left, or
  • You can pick and choose topics that interest you and jump around in the guide

I encourage you to return to this guide as many times as you need.

For more thorough instructions on how to conduct successful research in general please check out our Get Started with Research guide. 

I welcome your comments and suggestions for making this guide more useful, so please feel free to send me your comments.  Just click on the Comments links when you see them to send me your suggestions.

Meet Your Librarian

Profile Photo
Stella Beratlis
Need help now? We have Research Drop-In Hours Monday - Thursday during Summer 2024: Go to the Ask a Librarian page to get immediate help.

In the Summer, Research Help is available in-person (at East Campus L & LC only) and online from 10 am - 3 pm, Monday though Thursday.

MJC (thus the L & LCs as well) is closed Fri-Sun. during summer semester.
Website Skype Contact: beratliss