There's much more to the web than you can find by running typical Google searches. As the picture below shows, most of what's on the web is in this area that's not typically found by casual searching. This type of material includes:
You won't be able to access all of the deep web. In fact, that's the part of the web hackers tend to focus on. But there are tools you can use to find wonderful reliable research sources in this ocean of information.
"Juanico Environmental Consultants." Invisible Web, // GIF file.
You can use advanced features in Google to refine your search using either the Google Advanced Search form or using short cuts in your regular Google search.
Using these advanced search techniques will help you unlock the information in the deep web.
Click the image to access the Google Advanced Search form.
You can also do "advanced" searching in the basic search box on the main Google home page.
Try using the techniques below:
"employee participation" [give me only documents that contain this exact phrase]
alternatives-- whatever keywords or key phrases describe your research topic
salsa -dance [give me results about salsa, that EXCLUDE anything to do with dancing]
alternatives-- whatever keywords you want to exclude from your results
domain:gov [return ONLY results from government education websites]
alternatives-- other domains such as domain:org for non-profits; domain:edu for education websites; domain:fr for sites originating in France; etc. [return ONLY results from youtube]
alternatives-- other sites such as for information directly from the Pew Research Center's site
filetype:pdf [return only results that are pdf documents]
alternatives-- other document types such as filetype:ppt for PowerPoint presentations;filetype:doc for Word documents; etc.
database [include the word "database" in your search to find searchable databases
example - california sex trade database
related [add the word "related" in front of a web address you already know to find related sites
example -