Many students turn to Wikipedia for their initial exploration of a topic. This is fine, but be sure to augment your background research with sources you can actually include on an academic bibliography (a.k.a. your References list).
All of these resources are free for MJC students, faculty, and staff. If you're working from off campus, you'll need to sign in just like you do for Canvas or your email.
Once you understand more about your topic and have a clearer idea of that aspect of your topic you want to dive into and explore, you need to create research questions that will help you focus on exactly the information you need to find to make the points you want to discuss in your paper.
Always look at your assignment for clues on the types of information and the actual content of information you’ll need to find for your research.
To help you organize your paper, you should have these types of questions:
You can see how this works in these questions below:
Introductory Questions
Body Questions