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NoodleTools for Researchers

Learn how to use NoodleTools like a pro to create bibliographies, organize your research notes, and manage your research projects

Create a Citation

NoodleTools has two main components -- source citation and note-taking. In general, you'll want to add a source citation first, then create notes for that source. Your notes can be information about where you found this source, how you want to use it, or questions about the source. This makes it simple to link your notes to the proper source.

  • Click the project's title to open it.
  • Next Click on the New Source button at the top of the screen. You'll be prompted to select "where" your source is (i.e., in print, on a website, in a database, etc.) and "what" your source is (i.e., a book, a magazine, a web page, etc.). After you make your selections, a new form appears.
  • Fill in the citation form with information about your source, then click Save. The new citation appears on your Sources screen.

Take a look at this short video to see how you create a new source.

The Sources Screen Explained

Let's take a deeper dive into the sources screen so that you can use it with ease and skill.

Sources Screen Explained. Click on image to open a PDF document explaination.

How to Create an In-Text Citation or Footnote

Learn how to create an MLA or APA in-text citation or Chicago style footnote.

Export and Print Source Citations

When your list of citations is complete, export the list in order to print it with the formatting matching the requirements of the citation style you are using (margins, title, header, etc.).