We're super excited to let you know about some events and changes for Spring 2025. Please come visit us starting the first day of the semester--Monday, January 13--when the Library & Learning Center locations open their doors at 7:30 a.m. We've got computer labs, study rooms, friendly staff and librarians (and more) to support your learning.
Artificial Intelligence as Information Literacy:
We have one new resource and a big change in the interface of one of our mainstay database publishers:
Why search here? Since 1857, The Atlantic has maintained a national reputation as a high-quality publication with a moderate worldview. Whether you're tackling a research project, seeking fresh perspectives on current events, or simply exploring the latest in science, culture, foreign affairs, the economy, and politics you'll want to use this substantive source. The Atlantic brings you in-depth articles for serious and curious readers that spark conversation and critical thinking. Our coverage extends back to 1857.
EBSCOhost has redesigned the main search page of its databases, namely, EBSCOhost eBooks Collection, EBSCOhost Databases, and ERIC. The main search interface now sports a more visually appealing and streamlined look. Also, many search filters and limiters (especially our favorite--date parameters) are now accessible via Advanced Search. Check it out: Learn it, love it.
Avoid long lines at the Check Out counter at the start of the semester by emailing circulation@mjc.libanswers.com. Make sure you share your full name and W#, preferred contact method, and a brief note about your inquiry. This is much quicker than coming to campus & standing in line...or trying to call us at a time when we may not be able to answer. Thank you!