A biography is an account of someone's life written by another person.
You can find biographies by searching by a person's name or by a profession.
To locate biographies pertaining to a particular profession or field in the library catalog, enter the (pluralized) name of a profession followed by the word biography; do a "words or phrase" search. For example: artists biography.
You can also use very specific Library of Congress subject terms to locate resources. Some examples include:
Use these MJC Library article databases to locate biographical information on the person you are studying.
To connect to any of the research databases from off campus you simply login just like you do for your MJC email and Canvas courses.
Why search here? This is a great database to use when you need to find information about a person.
What's included: This Gale database includes more than 500,000 individuals from throughout history and from around the world.
Why search here? Use this database for preliminary reading as you start your research. You'll learn about your topic by reading authoritative topic overviews on a wide variety of subjects.
What's included: Gale eBooks is comprised of subject, specialized encyclopedias with articles written by scholars and experts.
Why search here? Use this family of five history databases to get started with your history research. You can search all five simultaneously or each one individually. The five databases are, American History, African-American History, American Indian History, Ancient and Medieval History, and Modern World History.
What's includes: These databases include a wide variety of research sources including, in-depth overview essays, biographies, journal articles, images, primary sources, maps, videos, and more.
Why search here? Use this database when you want to find articles written by music scholars on a wide variety of music, musicians, and instruments.
What's included: This database includes thousands of articles from Grove Music Online, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, and The Oxford Companion to Music in addition to other Oxford music reference sources.
Why search here? When you want to find broad coverage on almost any topic you need to research at MJC, use Gale databases to search over 35 databases simultaneously.
What's included: Gale databases include articles previously published in journals, magazines, newspapers, books, and other media outlets.
Why search here? Search 29 databases at the same time that cover almost any topic you need to research at MJC. This is a good resource to use when you want to delve deeper into your subject.
What's included: EBSCO databases include articles previously published in academic journals, magazines, newspapers, books, and other media outlets.
Why search here? Use this database when you want to find information about a person. You can browse by name or occupation.
What's included: Profiles of people in the news from all walks of life.
These are some popular biographical sources you might consult to begin your research. The first title is online and the next three are in the print Reference Collection of the MJC East Campus Library.
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