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AI Literacy in the Age of ChatGPT

Faculty can use this guide to explore issues surrounding teaching and generative artificial intelligence

What is AI Literacy

AI literacy is the ability to:

  • critically evaluate AI technologies
  • communicate and collaborate effectively with AI
  • use AI as a tool, online, at home, and in the workplace.

From a 2020 paper, by Long and Magerko, who synthesized a variety of interdisciplinary literature into a set of core competencies.

ChatGPT and Pedagogy

Thinking about ChatGPT as a pedagogy problem, rather than a plagiarism problem, is a way to approach teaching generatively.

For example, scaffolding mitigates library anxiety, imposter syndrome, and accidental plagiarism. Therefore, rather than assigning a big, summative paper or project at the end of the course, breaking it up into stages with student reflection reinforces original work and a growth mindset that can reduce the perceived need for students using a tool such as ChatGPT.

Getting Started

To get started, you may want to check out this Featured Resource by Daniel Stanford, award-winning learning experience designer:

You can subscribe to Daniel Stanford's substack here

Academic Integrity: ASCCC Learning Opportunity

ASCCC is holding a webinar entitled, "Academic Integrity Policies in the Age of Artificial Intelligence," on September 4 from 12:00-1:30. You can click on the image below to register.

ASCCC webinar on academic integrity policies  reigstration

Syllabus Statements

Since generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools are still relatively new to higher education, many students may be unaware of what is allowed or not allowed in a particular course. Since there is no college policy on AI use, the rules might differ from one course to the next.

Dispel ambiguity or uncertainty by communicating clearly with students

Consider, for example:

  • Including a statement in your syllabus that outlines whether (or not) and how AI tools can be used in your course. See examples below.
  • Having conversations as a class about appropriate and inappropriate uses of AI tools in the course or disciplinary context.
  • Asking students to sign and adhere to an "honor statement" or code of conduct based on key course/institutional policies.
  • Constructing a "group agreements" document with your class that can be amended and referred back to throughout the semester.
  • Sharing examples from your discipline of how inappropriate use of AI led to negative consequences.
  • Sharing examples of how generative AI tools are changing your discipline or creating new opportunities for innovation.
  • Clarifying learning outcomes in the course so that students understand which essential skills they need to be able to demonstrate without the use of AI.

Attribution: "Syllabus Statements" by Camosun College Library is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

The links below give you examples that you can use in our courses:

General Guidance

Use these tools below to learn more about issues and ways to incorporate AI in your pedagogy.