Library Materials Are Arranged by Subject:
All the materials in the library are arranged by subject. Like other academic libraries, we use the Library of Congress Classification System to assign call numbers to our materials so that books and other materials on similar topics are next to each other on the shelves.
Call Numbers:
You need to know a book's call number in order to get it off the shelf in the library. Call numbers are a book's address on the shelves; they tell you the subject of the book and make sure that books on the same subject are shelved together.
For More Information, Check Out the Links Below:
Use books to read broad overviews and detailed discussions of your topic. You can also use books to find primary sources, which are often published together in collections.
You'll use the library catalog to search for books, ebooks, articles, and more.
If you need materials (books, articles, recordings, videos, etc.) that you cannot find in the library catalog, use our interlibrary loan service.
If you need a book when the library is closed, no worries. The MJC Library owns thousands of eBooks that you can use at any time of the day or night.
Here is a little video showing you how to find eBooks @MJC:
You'll find eBooks in OneSearch (Library Catalog) and in some of our library databases
Why search here? Use this database for preliminary reading as you start your research. You'll learn about your topic by reading authoritative topic overviews on a wide variety of subjects.
What's included: Gale eBooks is comprised of subject, specialized encyclopedias with articles written by scholars and experts.
Why search here? Use this database to search our collection of thousands of eBooks the MJC Library owns through EBSCOhost. These books can be a great place to start your research.
What's included: Thousands of eBooks covering a wide variety of topics.
Why search here? Use this database to research broad subjects like literature, gender roles, and cultural studies by exploring international topics like celebrations, rituals, myths, religion, beliefs, urban legends, music, dance, holidays, food, tales, and traditional arts and crafts.
What's included: Encyclopedia articles, classic folk tales from the around the world, images, maps, and vetted web resources.