Professor Howard has suggested these topics for your research on an issue or reference from Pleasantville:
You can find other topic ideas in the following articles from the MJC Library Databases about Pleasantville:
Once you have selected a topic, you can find background information on that topic in our Gale eBooks database (see link below). Try the following search terms:
If your interest is Protest Art, you can find ideas and sources here:
The American History database provides overview articles on many topics relevant to your assigment. Click on the link to the database to explore, or see some of the sample articles listed below.
For our larger databases, EBSCOhost and Gale Databases, as well as web searching, try combining search terms or using more specific terms:
Unlike with the sources you find in library databases, Web sources need to be carefully evaluated for credibility. Learn how to do this evaluation here:
Here are some credible sources from the web: