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Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Atlases, & more

Jump start your research, look up hard facts, find just the right word, and more...

Word of the Day Podcast

Click on the words below to see or hear a definition, how the word is used, and find out about its origin.

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What Are Dictionaries?

Dictionaries are more than just books filled with definitions. There are some filled with definitions, some filled with origins of words, and some filled with encyclopedia-type articles.

What they all have in common is that the entries are arranged alphabetically, so that you can find what you need easily.

Dictionaries @ MJC

Great resources to jump start your research: Use when you want to read in-depth topic overview articles, get reliable background information, biographies, etc.

Use the MJC Library Catalog to Find Dictionaries

Simply begin by searching on the name of your subject followed by the word dictionary. For example, psychology dictionaries, sports dictionaries, popular culture dictionaries, science dictionaries, law dictionaries etc.

Use the search bar below to begin your search:

What if MJC Doesn't Have What I Need?
  • If you need materials (books, articles, recordings, videos, etc.) that you cannot find in the MJC Library catalog, use our interlibrary loan service.

You can also use library databases to find online specialized dictionaries that the MJC Library owns. 

When connecting to research databases from off campus you'll need to login just like you do for email or Canvas

Dictionaries on the Web

From speciality to general dictionaries, the Web has many free ones for you to try: